“Research is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought.”
Albert Szent-Györgyi
- Fontana, A., Sorlini, M., Leone, D., Rossi, L., Dell’Ambrogio, S., Nika, J., … & Formentini, G. (2024). An Integrated Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Framework for Product Life Cycle-Oriented Decision-Making. In Circular Economy and Sustainable Development: A Necessary Nexus for a Sustainable Future (pp. 289-317). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Formentini, Giovanni, et al. “Assessing the disassembly performance of washing machines through the design for circular disassembly methodology.” Proceedings of the Design Society 4 (2024): 1249-1258.
- Rizzioli, R., de Lima, G. A., Formentini, G., Cuiller, C., Boussiere, F., Jurbert, C., … & Favi, C. (2024). Knowledge collection in aircraft passenger seat assembly: insight for a conceptual design method development. Procedia CIRP, 128, 764-769.
- Formentini, Giovanni, and Devarajan Ramanujan. “Examining the role and future potential of design for disassembly methods to support circular product design.” Proceedings of the Design Society 3 (2023): 1735-1744.
- Formentini, Giovanni, and Devarajan Ramanujan. “Design for circular disassembly: Evaluating the impacts of product end-of-life status on circularity through the parent-action-child model.” Journal of Cleaner Production 405 (2023): 137009.
- Formentini, Giovanni, and Devarajan Ramanujan. “Accounting For Product End-of-Life Status in Disassembly Time Estimation Using Modified Maynard Operation Sequences.” Procedia Cirp 116 (2023): 305-311.
- Formentini, Giovanni, Núria Boix Rodríguez, and Claudio Favi. “Design for manufacturing and assembly methods in the product development process of mechanical products: a systematic literature review.” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 120.7 (2022): 4307-4334.
- Formentini, Giovanni, et al. “A framework to collect and reuse engineering knowledge in the context of design for additive manufacturing.” Proceedings of the Design Society 2 (2022): 1371-1380.
- Formentini, Giovanni, et al. “Conceptual Design for Assembly methodology formalization: systems installation analysis and manufacturing information integration in the design and development of aircraft architectures.” Journal of Industrial Information Integration 26 (2022): 100327.
- Formentini, Giovanni, et al. “A method to assess design for assembly efficiency of aircraft cabin concepts.” Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering II: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2021, September 9–10, 2021, Rome, Italy. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
- Formentini, G., Bouissiere, F., Cuiller, C., Dereux, P. E., & Favi, C. (2022). CDFA method: a way to assess assembly and installation performance of aircraft system architectures at the conceptual design. Research in Engineering Design, 33(1), 31-52.
- Formentini, Giovanni, Claudio Favi, Claude Cuiller, Pierre-Eric Dereux, Francois Bouissiere, and Cédric Jurbert. “Conceptual design for assembly in aerospace industry: sensitivity analysis of mathematical framework and design parameters.” Proceedings of the Design Society 1 (2021): 731-740.
- Rodríguez, Núria Boix, Marco Marconi, Claudio Favi, and Giovanni Formentini. “Eco-design actions to improve life cycle environmental performance of face masks in the pandemic era.” Proceedings of the Design Society 1 (2021): 1333-1342.
- Boix Rodríguez, Núria, Giovanni Formentini, Claudio Favi, and Marco Marconi. “Engineering design process of face masks based on circularity and life cycle assessment in the constraint of the COVID-19 pandemic.” Sustainability 13, no. 9 (2021): 4948.
- Rodríguez, Núria Boix, Giovanni Formentini, Claudio Favi, and Marco Marconi. “Environmental implication of personal protection equipment in the pandemic era: LCA comparison of face masks typologies.” Procedia Cirp 98 (2021): 306-311.
- Formentini, Giovanni, Claude Cuiller, Pierre-Eric Dereux, Francois Bouissiere, and Claudio Favi. “Impact assessment of design guidelines in the conceptual development of aircraft product architectures.” Procedia CIRP 100 (2021): 223-228.
- Favi, Claudio, Giovanni Formentini, and Núria Boix Rodríguez. “Eco-design of cooking appliances based on food habits and diets.” Procedia CIRP 90 (2020): 372-376.
- Formentini, Giovanni, et al. “Challenging the engineering design process for the development of facial masks in the constraint of the COVID-19 pandemic.” Procedia Cirp 100 (2021): 660-665.
- Formentini, G., Favi, C., Bouissiere, F., Cuiller, C., Dereux, P. E., Guillaume, R., & Malchair, C. (2020, May). Extrapolation of design guidelines during the conceptual design phase: a method to support product architecture design. In Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN conference (Vol. 1, pp. 857-866). Cambridge University Press.
- Bouissiere, Francois, Claude Cuiller, Pierre-Eric Dereux, Corentin Malchair, Claudio Favi, and Giovanni Formentini. “Conceptual design for assembly in aerospace industry: a method to assess manufacturing and assembly aspects of product architectures.” In Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 2961-2970. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
- Favi, Claudio, Giovanni Formentini, Francois Bouissiere, Claude Cuiller, Pierre-Eric Dereux, and Corentin Malchair. “Design for assembly in the conceptual development of aircraft systems.” In Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2019, September 9–10, 2019, Modena, Italy, pp. 268-278. Springer International Publishing, 2020.